王永利:双语诗歌《布谷鸟之歌》 -凯发注册平台

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呵呵 清晨 暗夜的结束

东君唤醒了冻土 绿丛丛

“布谷布谷 布谷布谷”

我反复歌唱 催促农人

播种插秧 莫误


群蕊绽放 吐芬芳



呵呵 布谷布谷 布谷布谷



我是爱的信差 春的使者


鱼儿欢腾,溪水潺湲 年轻的恋人亲吻

呵 布谷布谷 布谷布谷

那壮丽的火烧云 怎也散发浓浓的香


银河闪烁 万千星光

月儿升 铃儿响 婚礼进行闹洞房

欢呼雀跃 乐土繁荣人兴旺

呵 布谷布谷 布谷布谷

如落编钟 声绕梁



the cuckoo’s songs

by wang yongli

morning, the new morning, is the day’s beginning,

the warm breezes hasten the cold earth greening,

i am busy in awakening the farmers by singing.

do not delay the spring sowing!

cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo…


the colorful flowers grow in full blooming,

the bees are collecting the pollen in buzzing,

birds on the thorn against necks in loving,

new-born lambs eager for mothers’ milk in bleating.

cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo…


i am a messenger of love, the herald of spring,

my songs make the ice thawing, the sad heart delighting,

fishes jumping, streams rippling, young lovers kissing,

the splendid evening glows with the heavy scenting.

cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo…

the milky way sparkling while the myriad stars twinkling,

the moon rising, bells jingling, the wedding in babbling,

hailing, dancing, the happy land becomes flourishing,

my songs, like peals scattering, in the air, lingering,

cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo…

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